How To Improve Exercise Outcomes With Low Impact And Seated Exercise
Knowledge And Exercise Know-How From An Instructor With Personal Disability.
Your Instructor
Having a varied gym and fitness career of 20plus years, there's still a whole world of fitness to discover. In 2008, an accident left me totally paralysed and I never imagined i'd walk again- let alone exercise. Learning so much about ability since becoming disabled i can see both sides of the fitness scales. I never realised disability would have such a huge impact on life.
Recovery is ongoing and my love of exercise now has a better understanding how important movement is. Disability is often the hardest, most taboo and least talked about area through all walks of life.
Together we can break down mysteries and mis-conceptions if we keep learning, trying and listening.
To truly appreciate the importance of exercise, experiences can be shared and learnt from. Indeed, this may be for you to help yourself or someone you know in your life, or even work with.
Sharing the good stuff you want to know, the 'bad' stuff that you won't see, and frankly some weird things I can share with you that will make you see disability differently.
If you ever thought disability was text-book, think again. From starting out learning something new, sharing exercises at home to seeing an individual grow inside and out, you'll wish you'd started sooner.
Welcome to low impact and inclusive fitness!